Lube Oil Pump

Lube Oil Pump incorporating an energy-saving motor, economical and realizing intermittent lubrication by simply turning the power ON.
Automatic intermittent pump incorporating a small motor,hence an economical model.
Lube Oil Pump widely used for small machines in many industries.


Pump Discharge Volume 0.2〜1.0ml/stroke
Discharge Pressure 0.3MPa
(Other voltages available.)
Voltage / Current AC100Vφ1/50mA AC200Vφ1/25mA (50Hz)
AC100Vφ1/42mA AC200Vφ1/18mA (60Hz)
Output 3W Synchronous Motor
Emergency Detection Oil level
Oil level switch
Contact Type A Contact (NO) ON at low level
Contact capacity 0.5A, AC DC200V/30W smaller
Operation Rating Continuous
Working Viscosity Range 32〜1300mm2/S
Reservoir Capacity 1.8l、3l (plastic) 3l、4l、8l (sheet metal)
Weight 1.8kg (With 1.8l Reservoirs )
Protection class IP54 (CE Approved type)

How To Order

 Automatic intermittent piston pump MMXL-II|型  How to Order


Replacement Motor Model
Interval 3min. 6min. 15min. 30min. 60min. 120min.
Motor RPM (50Hz) 20 10 4 2 1 1/2
Replacement Motor Model 100V Model M-A1 M-B1 M-C1 M-D1 M-E1 M-F1
Part Number 521210 521194 521193 520062 520061 520060
200V Model M-A2 M-B2 M-C2 M-D2 M-E2 M-F2
Part Number 521328 521196 521195 520067 520066 520065


Model Part Number
MMXLⅢ CE-1A-1 367001
MMXLⅢ CE-1A-1L 367055
MMXLⅢ CE-1A-2 367007
MMXLⅢ CE-1A-2L 367061
MMXLⅢ CE-1B-1 367002
MMXLⅢ CE-1B-1L 367056
MMXLⅢ CE-1B-2 367008
MMXLⅢ CE-1B-2L 367062
MMXLⅢ CE-1C-1 367003
MMXLⅢ CE-1C-1L 367057
MMXLⅢ CE-1C-2 367009
MMXLⅢ CE-1C-2L 367063
MMXLⅢ CE-1D-1 367004
MMXLⅢ CE-1D-1L 367058
MMXLⅢ CE-1D-2 367010
MMXLⅢ CE-1D-2L 367064
MMXLⅢ CE-1E-1 367005
MMXLⅢ CE-1E-1L 367059
MMXLⅢ CE-1E-2 367011
MMXLⅢ CE-1E-2L 367065
MMXLⅢ CE-1F-1 367006
MMXLⅢ CE-1F-1L 367060
MMXLⅢ CE-1F-2 367012
MMXLⅢ CE-1F-2L 367066
Model Part Number
MMXLⅢ CE-2A-1 367019
MMXLⅢ CE-2A-1L 367073
MMXLⅢ CE-2A-2 367025
MMXLⅢ CE-2A-2L 367079
MMXLⅢ CE-2B-1 367020
MMXLⅢ CE-2B-1L 367074
MMXLⅢ CE-2B-2 367026
MMXLⅢ CE-2B-2L 367080
MMXLⅢ CE-2C-1 367021
MMXLⅢ CE-2C-1L 367075
MMXLⅢ CE-2C-2 367027
MMXLⅢ CE-2C-2L 367081
MMXLⅢ CE-2D-1 367022
MMXLⅢ CE-2D-1L 367076
MMXLⅢ CE-2D-2 367028
MMXLⅢ CE-2D-2L 367082
MMXLⅢ CE-2E-1 367023
MMXLⅢ CE-2E-1L 367077
MMXLⅢ CE-2E-2 367029
MMXLⅢ CE-2E-2L 367083
MMXLⅢ CE-2F-1 367024
MMXLⅢ CE-2F-1L 367078
MMXLⅢ CE-2F-2 367030
MMXLⅢ CE-2F-2L 367084
Model Part Number
MMXLⅢ CE-5A-1 367037
MMXLⅢ CE-5A-1L 367091
MMXLⅢ CE-5A-2 367043
MMXLⅢ CE-5A-2L 367097
MMXLⅢ CE-5B-1 367038
MMXLⅢ CE-5B-1L 367092
MMXLⅢ CE-5B-2 367044
MMXLⅢ CE-5B-2L 367098
MMXLⅢ CE-5C-1 367039
MMXLⅢ CE-5C-1L 367093
MMXLⅢ CE-5C-2 367045
MMXLⅢ CE-5C-2L 367099
MMXLⅢ CE-5D-1 367040
MMXLⅢ CE-5D-1L 367094
MMXLⅢ CE-5D-2 367046
MMXLⅢ CE-5D-2L 367100
MMXLⅢ CE-5E-1 367041
MMXLⅢ CE-5E-1L 367095
MMXLⅢ CE-5E-2 367047
MMXLⅢ CE-5E-2L 367101
MMXLⅢ CE-5F-1 367042
MMXLⅢ CE-5F-1L 367096
MMXLⅢ CE-5F-2 367048
MMXLⅢ CE-5F-2L 367102

Directions for use

● Do not remove the oil strainer to keep the pump clear of foreign matter.
● Replace or clean the suction filter at least once a year. Click here to view the service list.
● Oil viscosity varies with oil temperature. Be sure to use oil within the working viscosity range. Refer to the viscosity table.
● Do not use any special additive-contained oil, water soluble oil and solvent.
● Periodically check the oil in the reservoir for impurities. Replace it, if necessary, with fresh oil immediately. Be sure to clean the reservoir before oil change.
● Make sure that proper voltage and pressure are proper.
● Do not overtighten the discharge joint. Refer to the tightening torque table.
● Do not press the discharge volume adjusting knob down by force.
● Adjust discharge volume only when the piston is fully relaxed ( The knob is at the lowest position.).
● For system planning information, Contact us.

Discharge Volume Adjustment

 Automatic intermittent piston pump MMXL-II|型 吐出油量の調整方法


Pump Drawing
Hydraulic circuit drawing
Wiring digram
Wiring digram
Dimensional Drawing
Dimensional drawing
warning Improper handling can result in a death or serious injury.
Electrical shock may be received under certain conditions Electrical shock may be received under certain conditions.。
Be sure to ground. Be sure to ground.